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Meet The Team

The Production Team:

Co-producer and co-director: Alison Hill

Alison Hill is a primary school teacher of children aged between 5 and 11. She became involved with youth theatre about 11 years ago and has been involved in the directing and production of 14 stage shows – not to mention numerous productions at school!

Co-producer and co-director: Jaq Kevern

Jaq is also a teacher who teaches children aged 11 to 16. She specialises in Drama and English and has been teaching for over 16 years. Together with Alison she plans, directs and produces Page2Stage's annual production.

Musical Director: Heidi Walsh

Heidi is a teacher in a secondary school. As well as volunteering at Page2Stage, she is part of her own singing group. She brings perfect harmonies to the group and a talented voice.

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Other Current Volunteers:

Kirstie Hopkins


Louise Gunning

Publicity and
community involvement

Nikki Calder

Production team

Emma Chowings

Production team

Ria Stone

Production team
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Wendy Watkins

Props, Production and Assistant Secretary

Louise Humpherson


Nicki Ward

Production team and Assistant Treasurer

Mel Avis

Committee Member

Paul Speare

Sound and Lighting
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Thanks also to the following for their support:


Alisha Percy - Production

Jonathan Budd - Photography

Leigh Watkins - Technical team

Alan Welsh - Technical team 

Adam Stewart - Projection

Davy Warren - Sound team

Fiona Budd

Caroline Banks

Jason Banks

Adam Riglar

Steve Hall

Helen Hall

Helen Martin

Michelle Mitchell

Sam Dando

Neil Bailey

© 2022 Page2Stage

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